Www.schutzhund-bite-sleeves-k9-store.com offers NEW Tac-Black Leather Padded Tracking dog Harness for all dogs!
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The Tac-black leather dog harness has a padded breast plate to cushion the dog when it hits the end of the line while doing protection work.
The dogs need this cushion to absorb some of the shock of a tie out.
This breast plate causes too much of an air flow restriction to be used in long police or Search/Rescue tracks or working.

Tac-Black Leather Padded Tracking Harness for all dogs
The Tac-Black Leather dog harness does not restrict the air flow of the pet in any way.
This is an extremely important feature on a tracking dog harness during long tracks where the dogs need all the help they can get.
The dogs need this cushion to absorb some of the shock of a tie out.

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Size Medium :
Around the neck of the dog(red color on the picture): 14-22 inch (35-56 cm)
Around the chest behind the front legs(green color on the picture): 20-31 inch (50-80 cm)
Size Large :
Around the neck of the dog(red color on the picture): 18-28 inch (45-70 cm)
Around the chest behind the front legs(green color on the picture): 30-40 inch (75-100 cm)
Size Extra Large :
Around the neck of the dog(red color on the picture): 24.5-34.5 inch (61-86 cm)
Around the chest behind the front legs(green color on the picture): 38-48 inch (95-120 cm)

Matching Leash
Please consider matching color fine quality leather leash in black.
Please note that leash snap and rivets is golden color.
When you purchase this leash with the harness you pay 15% less for the leash
Please consider matching color fine quality leather leash in brown.
Please note that leash snap and rivets is golden color.
When you purchase this leash with the harness you pay 15% less for the leash