offer best designe Military Protection Bite SLEEVE for Military Dog Training,Schutzhund training,KNPV training/show and more..
Please, pay attention that this model of bite sleeve is used with a cover ONLY! Otherwise, we do not bear any responsibility for the condition of the sleeve that is used without a cover!
Military Protection Bite SLEEVE for working dogs/all dogs

This is Dog Training Bite Sleeve include Jute Cover!!
This is one of our best selling training bite sleeves.
This a great Protection Bite SLEEVE for intermediate to all-around Police and Military dogs.
Long lasting and very durable with a very good bite bar.
No Metal or Outside Plastic Parts Equals Safety For Your all dogsTri Level Bite Bar Regulation To Adjust Proper Training Stage
Means This One Professional Sleeve Will Do THREE Others Training Sleeves Job Hand Stitching For Outstanding Durability Superior design for Police,Schutzhund and Military training already Tested and Approved by professional DOG Trainers .
General "Woof" Tip: Dog training equipment made to serve longer than everyday gear. To achieve this, special production techniques and best materials should be used. We take into account whole picture but don’t forget about small details. When you purchase our products you give your dog a very big “a little” extra.